Sunday 5 October 2014

New School Year

Well it is good to be back to school.  Although I had a shortened week with the students, it was still eventful.  Currently, I am teaching the Language Arts and Math Programs.  I hope to make this transition as easy as possible for the students.  Over  the past three days we have covered the following activities.

In Language Arts we learned about Subjects and Predicates and their importance in a sentence.  We began our Collections Reading Unit "In My Circle"  and specifically looked at a poem "I am Me." With a partner and a few guiding questions we discussed who we are.  Then, we took our fingerprints and attempted to figure out our own details. We discovered that no two people have exactly the same fingerprints. We did some Expository writing. about our favourite things and then used our writing to find our own sentence with a subject and predicate.

In Math, we worked on sorting numbers using Venn Diagrams and Carroll Charts.  We looked at three different types of Venn Diagrams and how we could use them.  We are moving on to Estimating and learning different strategies that we can use to help us estimate.  We even had a opportunity to practice our Basic Facts on Mathletics.

WOW! It has been a busy three days.

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